In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patheffects as pe
from highlight_text import fig_text
In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv("")
X Y a_goals a_team date h_a h_goals h_team id lastAction match_id minute player player_assisted player_id result season shotType situation xG
0 0.707 0.379 0 Hoffenheim 29-08-2015 17:30 h 0 Darmstadt 76737 Aerial 1044 93 György Garics NaN 2 MissedShots 2015 RightFoot FromCorner 0.011869
1 0.728 0.373 1 Darmstadt 12-09-2015 17:30 a 0 Bayer Leverkusen 76808 Pass 1053 1 György Garics Konstantin Rausch 2 SavedShot 2015 RightFoot SetPiece 0.015980
2 0.016 0.464 0 Darmstadt 01-11-2015 18:30 a 2 VfB Stuttgart 78492 Foul 1118 67 György Garics NaN 2 OwnGoal 2015 Head SetPiece 0.000000
3 0.875 0.521 2 Darmstadt 20-12-2015 20:30 a 3 Borussia M.Gladbach 79876 Aerial 1173 58 György Garics NaN 2 MissedShots 2015 Head FromCorner 0.016684
4 0.927 0.557 2 Werder Bremen 07-12-2014 16:30 a 5 Eintracht Frankfurt 27374 Pass 5320 78 Luca Caldirola Fin Bartels 3 Goal 2014 LeftFoot OpenPlay 0.432700
5 0.899 0.598 2 Darmstadt 27-09-2015 19:30 a 2 Borussia Dortmund 77444 None 1083 11 Luca Caldirola NaN 3 MissedShots 2015 RightFoot SetPiece 0.072897
6 0.980 0.472 2 Darmstadt 17-10-2015 17:30 a 0 Augsburg 78030 None 1094 28 Luca Caldirola NaN 3 BlockedShot 2015 LeftFoot FromCorner 0.794784
7 0.984 0.476 2 Darmstadt 17-10-2015 17:30 a 0 Augsburg 78029 Rebound 1094 28 Luca Caldirola Jan Rosenthal 3 SavedShot 2015 LeftFoot FromCorner 0.946339
8 0.885 0.433 0 Darmstadt 01-11-2015 18:30 a 2 VfB Stuttgart 78500 Cross 1118 86 Luca Caldirola Mario Vrancic 3 SavedShot 2015 LeftFoot OpenPlay 0.065162
9 0.942 0.635 0 Darmstadt 01-11-2015 18:30 a 2 VfB Stuttgart 78501 Aerial 1118 87 Luca Caldirola Tobias Kempe 3 SavedShot 2015 Head FromCorner 0.013303
In [3]:
g = df.query("result=='Goal'").groupby(["player", "situation"])\
                              .pivot(index="player", columns="situation", values="result")\
g["total"] = g[g.columns].sum(axis=1)
g = g.sort_values("total", ascending=False).head(10)
g = g[['OpenPlay', 'Penalty', 'DirectFreekick', 'FromCorner', 'SetPiece', 'total']]
In [4]:
line_color = "k"
column_color_dict = {'OpenPlay': "royalblue",
                     'Penalty': "teal",
                     'DirectFreekick': "darkorchid",
                     'FromCorner': "magenta",
                     'SetPiece': "gold"

    plt.rcParams[''] = 'Palatino Linotype' ##set global font
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
    ax = g[column_color_dict.keys()].iloc[::-1].plot.barh(stacked=True, ax=ax, color=column_color_dict, 
                                               ec="silver", legend=None)
    for spine in ["top", "right"]:
    ax.set_position([0.08, 0.08, 0.82, 0.74]) ## make space for the title on top of the axes
    for num, total in enumerate(g["total"].iloc[::-1]):
        ax.text(total+2, num, int(total), va='center', ha='left', fontsize=15)
    ## labels, titles and subtitles
    ax.set(ylabel=" ", xlabel="Goals")     
    ax.xaxis.label.set(fontsize=12, fontweight='bold', color=line_color)    
    for label in ax.get_yticklabels():
        label.set(color=line_color, fontsize=12)
    for t in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    ## titles, subtitles, and custom legend (Peter McKeever style)
    fig.text(x=0.08, y=0.92, s="How are Europe's top strikers scoring their goals?", 
            ha='left', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold', color=line_color,
            path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=1.1, foreground='0.1'),
    fig.text(x=0.08, y=0.883, s="Top 5 Leagues | 2014-2018", 
            ha='left', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold', color=line_color,
            path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=1.1, foreground='0.1'),
    fig_text(x=0.08, y=0.872, ha='left',
             fontsize=14, fontweight='bold',
             s='<Open Play> | <Penalty> | <Direct Freekick> | <Corner> | <Other Set-pieces>',
             highlight_textprops=[{"color": "royalblue"},
                                  {"color": "teal"}, 
                                  {"color": "darkorchid"}, 
                                  {"color": "magenta"}, 
                                  {"color": "gold"}]
fig.savefig("shooter-bar-chart", dpi=180) ##save image